

privacy policy

INTELLIPIA values ​​customer information and provides “promotion of information and communications network use and information protection.”

 In order to comply with related laws and regulations, such as

We have established [Personal Information Processing Policy] and are complying with it.

INTELLIPIA 's personal information processing policy is subject to changes in related laws and guidelines or 

It may be subject to revision due to changes in Intellipia's internal operating policy.

If [Personal Information Processing Policy] changes 

Changes will be posted on the website. 

If you have any questions about the changes, please feel free to 

You can check by contacting the department in charge or visiting the website.

Article 1 (General Provisions)

INTELLIPIA attaches great importance to the protection of customers' personal information and complies with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. 

Through the personal information processing policy,  the personal information provided by customers is used and for what purposes. 

We will inform you of what measures are being taken to protect personal information.

In order to continuously improve the personal information processing policy, we are establishing the necessary procedures for revising the personal information processing policy.

Article 2 (Collection items and purpose of use of personal information)

INTELLIPIA aims to provide diverse and convenient Internet services. 

We collect and use personal information for the following purposes.

Information voluntarily disclosed by members in the process of using the services provided by  INTELLIPIA

Rights and responsibilities related to personal information and posts belong to the author.

Information voluntarily disclosed is difficult to protect and may be collected or processed by others without permission. 

Please keep in mind that any losses or problems resulting from this are entirely your responsibility. 

Please take great care to  ensure that your personal information is not disclosed while using the service  .

INTELLIPIA does not use personal information for purposes other than the following: 

If the purpose of the service provided by Intellipia changes, necessary measures will be taken, such as obtaining separate consent.

① Information collected when registering as a member

Name, email address, duplicate verification registration information (DI), immediately destroyed upon withdrawal of membership

However, if there are records such as consultation details, the legally required storage period

② Information generated during service use

INTELLIPIA may collect the following information during the customer's use of web and app services.

IP address, cookies, access date and time, mobile device information (UDID, advertising identifier, etc.), other service use records

Statistical analysis of service use records, etc.

※ Consultation details and records related to purchase contracts created during the service use process are collected to comply with legal obligations.

INTELLIPIA collects and distributes information and user information legally disclosed on the web without restrictions on the purpose or target of disclosure. 

Collects information such as service usage records (logs) and metadata 

We are analyzing and utilizing it to provide better services to users. 

Specifically, we prioritize providing services tailored to user interests. 

For marketing purposes, we can provide advertisements tailored to the user's interests or provide opportunities to participate in events. 

The information collected and analyzed in this way is not provided or shared with any third party other than Intellipia .

Article 3 (Method of collecting personal information)

INTELLIPIA may collect personal information through the web and mobile apps in the following ways to provide smooth services.

- Website, written form, phone call, delivery request, consultation bulletin board, application for sweepstakes and events (homepage, SNS, etc.), etc.

- Provided by affiliates

- Collection of generated information through log analysis program

Article 4 (Retention and use period of personal information)

① In principle, once the purpose of collection and use of personal information or the purpose for which it was provided is achieved, it is destroyed without delay. 

    However, the 「Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.」, etc.

If there is a need to preserve it in accordance with relevant laws, it will be preserved for that period. 

In this case, INTELLIPIA uses the stored information only for the purpose of storage, and the retention period is as follows.

Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.  Records of contracts or cancellation of subscription, etc.:  5 years

Records of payment and supply of goods, etc.: 5 years

Records of consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years

Information related to transaction details under the Framework Act on National Taxes : 5 years

Communications Secrets Protection Act 3 months of recording communication confirmation data

※ Personal information history processed to comply with obligations stipulated by other laws may be kept for the period to prove responsibility.

Article 5 (Provision of personal information to third parties)

① INTELLIPIA uses customers’ personal information within the scope notified in Article 2 (collection items and purpose of use of personal information).

 We do not use it beyond this scope or provide it to other people or other companies or institutions.

However, the following are exceptions.

1) When an investigative agency requests the provision of personal information for investigation purposes in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed by relevant laws

2) When information is provided to advertisers, partners, research organizations, etc. in a form that does not identify specific individuals for statistical purposes, academic research, market research, etc.

3) When there is a request in accordance with the provisions of other relevant laws

4) Transfer/merger of business, etc.

※ If Intel Lipia needs to transfer a member's personal information due to reasons such as transfer of business, Intel Lipia will do so in accordance with the procedures and methods stipulated in relevant laws. 

   Facts about the transfer of personal information are notified in advance, and members are given the right to withdraw consent to the transfer of personal information.

Article 6 (Entrustment of processing of personal information)

① In order to improve services, INTELLIPIA entrusts the processing of members' personal information to an external party after obtaining customer consent or disclosing or notifying related matters in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

 Currently, the trustee who processes customer personal information and the details of its duties are as follows.

Article 7 (Procedures and methods for destroying personal information)

① In principle, INTELLIPIA destroys the information without delay after the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved.

 The specific destruction procedure, timing, and method of destruction are as follows.

1) Destruction procedure

Information entered for membership registration, etc. is stored for a period specified in internal policies and other relevant laws and then destroyed after the purpose has been achieved. 

This personal information will not be used for purposes other than those for which consent has been granted, unless required by law.

2) Destruction point

- In case of membership registration information: When membership is withdrawn or expelled from membership

- In case of payment information: When the payment is completed or the bond extinction period expires

- In case of delivery information: When the goods or services are delivered or provided

3) Destruction method

- Personal information printed on paper: shredded with a shredder or incinerated

- Personal information stored in the form of electronic files: deleted using technical methods that render the records unrecoverable.

② In cases where personal information must continue to be preserved pursuant to other laws and regulations even though the personal information retention period consented to by the user has elapsed or the purpose of processing has been achieved, 

The personal information is transferred to a separate database (DB) or stored in a different storage location.

③ Destruction of personal information of customers who do not use it, etc.

In accordance with Article 29, Paragraph 2 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., our company collects the personal information of members who have not used the service for the past 12 months. 

It is stored and managed separately from other users’ information. Separately stored personal information is destroyed after the legal storage period has elapsed. 

30 days before separate storage, an email will be sent to the member informing the member of the separate storage, the items, and the date of application. 

We will notify you by one of the following methods: writing, facsimile, telephone, or similar means.

Article 8 (Rights, obligations and exercise methods of users and legal representatives)

① INTELLIPIA provides methods for viewing, correcting, or withdrawing consent to personal information in order to guarantee the rights of users.

 We are preparing procedures to make it easier to collect personal information. 

Members (or legal representatives) can view or modify their personal information at any time. 

You can withdraw your consent to the use of your personal information through the membership withdrawal procedure.

1) Scope of viewing and correction of personal information

- User personal information held by INTELLIPIA

- Personal information used by INTELLIPIA or provided to third parties

- Status of consent for collection, use, provision, etc. of personal information

2) Withdrawal of membership

- Apply for withdrawal via > contact

If a user requests correction or deletion of an error in personal information, INTELLIPIA will not use or provide the personal information until correction or deletion is completed. 

If incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the third party of the result of the correction without delay and take action to correct it.

In order to protect children's personal information, Intellipia restricts new member registration for children under the age of 14.

Customers have the right to have their personal information protected and the obligation to protect themselves. Customers must always keep their personal information up to date. 

The customer is responsible for any problems arising from incorrect information entered by the customer. In addition, customers must be careful not to leak personal information such as ID, password, and access media, and must not transfer or rent it to others. INTELLIPIA is not responsible  for any damage caused by the customer's negligence .

Article 9 (Collection of opinions and handling of complaints)

① If you need consultation regarding complaint handling or damage relief regarding personal information, you can contact the Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center, the High-Tech Crime Investigation Department of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office, or the Cyber ​​Safety Bureau of the National Police Agency.

Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center  (without area code) 118

Supreme Prosecutors' Office High-Tech Crime Investigation Division (no area code) 1301

National Police Agency Cyber ​​Security Bureau (without area code) 182

③ Measures against stolen personal information

1) If we learn that a user has registered for membership by stealing someone else's personal information, we will take necessary measures without delay, such as suspending the use of the service for the ID in question or withdrawing membership.

2) If a user who is aware of the theft of his/her personal information requests suspension of service use or membership withdrawal for the relevant ID, action will be taken immediately.

※ At this time, the identity verification method of users who claim that their personal information has been stolen uses the resident registration card authenticity verification service implemented by the e-government.

Article 10 (Installation, operation and refusal of automatic personal information collection devices)

① INTELLIPIA sometimes uses ‘cookies’ to provide personalized services to customers. 

A 'cookie' is a small data package sent from an HTTP server to the user's browser and is stored on the member's computer hard drive.

 Cookies may contain information about the website used and the user's personal information.

② Intel Ripia uses cookies for the following purposes.

1) Purpose of using cookies

- Cookies are used to check whether you are currently logged in.

- The search usage environment value selected by the individual is saved and this information is used to set the user's desired environment.

- It is used for targeted advertising by identifying information about users' usage behavior, such as differences in access frequency and degree of repeated use.

- It is used to check the frequency of customer participation in various promotional events such as events and quiz parties.

2) How to refuse cookie settings (based on Internet Explorer)

- Web browser menu [Tools] > [Internet Options] > [Privacy] tab settings or select the [Advanced] option

③ We would like to inform you that cookies may also be used by advertisers or marketing companies in banners that display advertisements on  Intellipia 's website.

In this case, the cookie may collect users' IP addresses for system management and statistical compilation to be provided to advertisers. 

Personal information collected by these cookies is subject to the privacy policy of  the advertiser or Marketing Intellipia .

You may refuse to store cookies at your option, but in this case, you may not be able to use normal web services. Specific service blocking information based on cookie settings is as follows.

Block all cookies: No collection, no login/participation activities possible

Medium:  No blocking of login-related information

Low: Allow all cookies

Article 11 (Technical and managerial protection measures for personal information)

① Technical protection measures

1) In protecting customers' personal information, INTELLIPIA is taking the following technical protection measures to ensure safety and prevent personal information from being lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged.

- Members' personal information is protected by a password, and important data is protected through a separate security function by encrypting files and transmission data or using the file lock function.

- Intellipia is taking measures to prevent damage caused by computer viruses by using anti-virus programs. The anti-virus program is updated periodically and if a virus suddenly appears,

  We are preventing personal information from being violated by providing vaccines as soon as they are available.

INTELLIPIA adopts security devices (SSL, etc.) that can safely transmit personal information on the network using an encryption algorithm.

2) INTELLIPIA is making every effort to ensure security by using an intrusion prevention system and vulnerability analysis system for each server to prevent external intrusions such as hacking.

② Administrative protection measures

1) INTELLIPIA limits access to customers’ personal information to the minimum number of people. The minimum number of people is as follows.

- A person who performs marketing tasks directly with users

- Persons who perform personal information protection work, such as the personal information protection manager and person in charge

- Those who inevitably have to handle personal information for other business purposes

2) We provide regular in-house and external training to employees who handle personal information regarding acquisition of new security technologies and obligations to protect personal information.

3) When joining the company, all employees must sign a security pledge to prevent information leakage by humans and to comply with regulations related to personal information protection.

 We have established internal procedures to audit employee compliance.

4) Handover of personal information-related tasks is thoroughly carried out while security is maintained, and responsibility for personal information incidents after joining and leaving the company is clarified.

5) Personal information and general data are not mixed and stored separately through a separate server.

6) The computer room and data storage room are designated as special protection areas and access is controlled.

7) INTELLIPIA is not responsible for personal information-related problems that occur due to  the user's personal mistakes or for reasons not attributable to Intellipia .

Each member must appropriately manage and take responsibility for his/her ID and password in order to protect his or her personal information.

8) Other losses, leaks, alterations, or damage to personal information due to mistakes by internal managers or technical management accidents. 

If damage occurs, INTELLIPIA will immediately notify the fact and take appropriate measures and compensation.

Article 12 (Person in charge of personal information protection)

INTELLIPIA is doing its best to ensure that customers can use good information safely.

When an incident occurs contrary to the notices notified to customers regarding the protection of personal information, the personal information protection manager assumes full responsibility.

However, despite technical supplementary measures, due to basic network risks such as hacking,

We are not responsible for damage to information due to unexpected accidents that occur or for any disputes caused by postings made by visitors.

The person in charge of personal information protection is as follows, and we respond quickly and faithfully to inquiries regarding personal information.

Personal information protection officer

Name: Lee Hyo-jeong

Affiliation: INTELLIPIA Secretariat

Quick contact: , contact page

Email :  

Position: Editor-in-Chief/Webmaster


Article 13 (Obligation to notify)

This policy may be subject to additions, deletions, or modifications as the government or Intellipia's policies change.

In this case, notification will be made without delay through the shopping mall, and this policy will be implemented from the date of notification.

- Personal information processing policy enforcement date: 2024. 02. 01